SPSS 重塑金身

SPSS(Statistical Product and Service Solutions) 时代终结,从此它叫做 PASW (Predictive Analytics SoftWare)。


  • SPSS Clementine —— PASW Modeler
  • Text Mining for Clementine ——PASW Text Analytics
  • SPSS Dimensions ——PASW Data Collection
  • SPSS Statistics——PASW Statistics
  • ……

最早 SPSS 是做社会统计分析的,从它最初的名称(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)就可以看出来。不知道是经营不下去了,还是美其名曰的战略调整。

业界变化大啊,和上次 S+ 被 IBCO Software Inc.收购一样,我又一次“后知后觉”。

Jack Noonan, SPSS Chairman, President and CEO, said, “SPSS is the only predictive analytics vendor to deliver the depth and breadth of software to capture customer feedback, predict behaviors and then act on the results by improving business processes. With important and valued feedback from customers, we have created a new, over–arching product portfolio name that builds on our 40 year legacy of innovation, enhanced performance, and robust deployment capabilities in Predictive Analytics.”
